This is our Friday anthem! I'm sure most of you have heard it, and it might be the worst song ever written, but it gets blasted in this house every friday,to celebrate the end of the week!
So yesterday I decided it was time that I needed a little space for myself, because since getting here, the only time I've actually been alone is when I'm showering! Three weeks of no alone time can get a little taxing, and I think everyone has been feeling like that. The whole group has been a little less patient with each other! It's kinda like mini real world (a reality TV show for those who don't know!) and we're at the point when people stop being nice and polite and start being real haha. There have been a few spats amongst the whole group, and our little lovely family had a few little family feuds last weekend.
Family of girls in 0ur room... verane, breann, stef and me
work family... rebecca, kashika, me, kitty, vivien, rostam
So I decided it was time for some me time! After work I went across the street to The Mall (thats legit what the mall is called.. they should be more original next time!) and got a massage, a manicure and my eyelashes extended! It was a little bit of a pricey day, but I decided that i deserved it! The massage was amazing, carrying my laptop to and from work for 3 hours everyday hasn't made my spine very happy, so an hour massage was definitely needed! And it only cost me $20! Next was my manicure, it's prettttty! and only cost $13! and finally eyelashes, $25, but now I think I could give alex's gorgeous lashes a run for their money!
Today I have the day off, and it's raining which sucks! But i'm hoping it will clear up by this afternoon for a few hours in the sun before we head to the airport for our weekend adventure to Penang! There's 12 of us going, and 9 of us are all in the same hostel so it should be a very fun time! I'll post a blog and some pictures when we get back!
Hope you are all surviving the rain and cold in Calgary! I'll try to bring some real summer weather back with me when I come home in 6 weeks!
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